England v Netherlands: Cricket World Cup 2023 – live | Cricket World Cup 2023

Key events

12th over: Netherlands 32-2 (Barresi 15, Sybrand 11) Moeen replaces Willey and cedes two singles then a two to mid-off. Even at this early stage, it’d take something insane for Netherlands to win this – but England will still probably need to beat Pakistan to make the Champions Trophy.

“I’m not sure if he’s changed his mind since,” writes Robin Armstrong, “but hasn’t Willey ended his international career in a strop at being left out of the England central contracts?”

He has indeed, but I don’t quite have scope to pretend I’d retained that information and discussed his future because England can still go back to him.

11th over: Netherlands 28-2 (Barresi 12, Sybrand 10) Atkinson into the attack and I’m looking forward to seeing how he goes; he could find himself playing every format soon, though as I type, Sybrand top-edges an attempted pull and gets four over long on.

“‘A nondescript ball if calling something nondescript isn’t tautology’,” begins Phil Russell. “More likely to be an oxymoron?”

Aaaarrrrggghhhh, yes, thanks and shaaaaaaaame on me. But the question remains.

10th over: Netherlands 23-2 (Barresi 11, Sybrand 6) Another tight over from Willey, Barresi back-cutting one to deep third. The required rate is 7.92 and climbing.

Pretty overwhelmed with all the ❤️ Thank you so much to everyone that has sent messages. @patcummins30 was amazing out there! Sorry I knocked back a couple 🫣
Time to get back to dad duties 👨‍👩‍👦❤️

— Glenn Maxwell (@Gmaxi_32) November 8, 2023

What an effort this was, the best I’ve ever seen I think, and I dunno, I’m old, but this tweet both moved me and made me laugh; if Cummins was “amazing”, how would Maxi describe his own effort? For the first time, we may actually say we’ve run out of superlatives when dealing in superlatives.

9th over: Netherlands 22-2 (Barresi 10, Sybrand 6) Two dots, then an outswinger tempts Barresi into a fiddle and he misses; a single to cover, off the final ball of the overm, is the only run; England were 69-1 at this stage.

“It’s footholes, not footholds,” chides John Starbuck,” “since they aren’t mountaineers.”

I actually looked this up and the MCC use both, for what that’s work, but I also accept your rationale.

Screenshot 2023-11-08 at 13.33.31 Photograph: MCC

8th over: Netherlands 21-2 (Barresi 9, Sybrand 6) Another maiden from Willey, which raises a question: he is 33 but still good. Do England break with him on general principle – and knowing they kind of owe him for binning him on the eve of the 2019 World Cup – or keep him going in the knowledge that by 2027, he’ll almost definitely be out of contention?

7th over: Netherlands 21-2 (Barresi 9, Sybrand 6) Three dots, then sawdust arrives as Woakes has an issue with the footholds; let’s hope there are no hamsters piassing. We then have the over interrupted by an insert announcing tomorrow’s New Zealand v Sri Lanka match – one which might be nobbled by the rain; good news for Pakistan and Afghanistan, who could finish above both by beating England and SU respectively. Back to today, though, Barresi turns two around square on the on side, the only runs from the over; so far the rain is holding off.

6th over: Netherlands 19-2 (Barresi 7, Sybrand 6) Another beauty from Willey, this time lifting more than the batter expects, but Sybrand edges two then sends a half-volley down the ground for four.

“To what extent do you think a lot of England’s current travails are down to being just plain knackered?” wonders Mark Hooper. “Most of the squad have been playing back-to-back high octane cricket in various formats all year (exacerbated by the B**B*** approach); they all just looked burned out.”

I think there’s a very strong chance this is the most operative factor, the stretch of punishment for the players going back to Covid. I keep saying it, but much as I wanted England to do well, I cannot find it in my soul to feel negatively towards any of these. They changed the my cricketing world.

WICKET! Ackermann c Buttler b Willey 0 (Netherlands 13-2)

Jaffa over here! Willey hurls one on a length that looks like nipping in but holds his line and it’s far too good for Ackermann – but not far too good enough, because he edges behind and Netherlands are in all sorts.

6th over: Netherlands 13-1 (Barresi 7, Ackermann 0) Buttler nips off for a slash, Bairstow minding the gloves – I bet he’s tempted, either to don them or leave something nasty in the fingers –and when he returns, Barresi shoves to point and they sprint a single.

5th over: Netherlands 12-1 (Barresi 6, Ackermann 0) Netherlands are under pressure already: the rate is 2.25, the required rate 7.34.

WICKET! O’Dowd c Ali b Woakes 5 (Netherlands 12-1)

O’Dowd devo’d! This is a really soft dismissal, a nondescript ball – if calling something nondescript isn’t tautology – chipped to mid-on.

Chris Woakes of England celebrates the wicket as Max O'Dowd trudges off.
Chris Woakes makes the early breakthrough. Photograph: Matthew Lewis/ICC/Getty Images

5th over: Netherlands 12-0 (Barresi 6, O’Dowd 5) Woakes feeds O’Dowd one on the pads and he glances to deep square for four.

“Appreciate you being ‘that guy’ to correct me on my 84-85 confusion,” returns DavidHorn, “I do now have to mentally update quite a few of my favourite anecdotes from that series, but that’s on me!”

I am going to forward the text of your email to my wife, who is less grateful when I am “that guy”. But by way of compensation for your mental labour, I found this at my parents’ a whole ago; behold!

caricatures of west indies and england from 1984
Photograph: Daniel Harris’ archive

4th over: Netherlands 8-0 (Barresi 6, O’Dowd 1) In comms, Nas notes that the ball is doiong a bit, meaning Woakes can go a bit fuller – which he tried earlier in the competition, to be mercilessly driven. Willey, though, is well-grooved … though of course as I type that, he strays straight and is turned around the corner for four. On my question earlier, by the way – do Netherlands go hard at the start and keep their power back for later – What, Ho! notes that under lights, the balls nip, so the idea is to stay in because once they stop swinging, they’re there to be clobbered.

3rd over: Netherlands 4-0 (Barresi 2, O’Dowd 1) Before I relate details of another splendid Woakes over, let me say that Wesley Barresi is a tremendous name, and after two dots, he tries to put bat on ball, missing and narrowly avoids losing his off-bail. O’Dowd then gets off the mark via leading edge, Barresi adds one more, and this is excellent from England.

I was reading Tanya Aldred’s lovely piece for The Spin that you linked to as the interval reading,” writes Tom Paternoster-Howe, “and it got me wondering: why didn’t he just take the helmet off? The ICC regulations regarding helmets state “…if any player elects to wear a helmet while batting in international cricket, it must be compliant with the British Standard…” The key word there is IF.

Equally, the World Cup 2023 playing conditions don’t require batters to wear a helmet. Furthermore, condition 40.1 Out Timed Out states ‘After the fall of a wicket or the retirement of a batter, the incoming batter must, unless Time has been called, be ready to receive the ball or for the other batter to be ready to receive the next ball within 2 minutes of the dismissal or retirement. If this requirement is not met, the incoming batter will be out, Timed out.’ So all Matthews had to do was remove his helmet for one ball and he couldn’t be timed out. Then he could have requested a working helmet before the second ball. Given that umpire Erasmus asked Hasan if he wanted to withdraw the appeal, it seems inconceivable that he wouldn’t have permitted Matthews to pop the helmet somewhere safe before permitting him to request a new one.

So really this is just another example, like that of Bairstow wandering out of his crease, of an experienced player being too dozy/arrogant & then getting all uppity when he gets his comeuppance.

Sorry for the long email, but I’m just surprised that nobody has suggested he could have done this.”

Yes, I agree with all but the last bit, because I wrote it in the OBO; face one ball, then sort it.

2nd over: Netherlands 2-0 (Barresi 1, O’Dowd 0) Does anyone know what Engelbrecht means? Wikipedia says thusly, I’m asking because I think in Afrikaans, which I think is related to Dutch, to brecht is to yak. Meanwhile, Willey is on the mark immediately, rushing through a maiden, and I wonder if Netherlands’ plan chasing so big a total is wickets in hand rather than runs up front.

1st over: Netherlands 2-0 (Barresi 1, O’Dowd 0) This time, Barresi goes at one and totally edges! I think this is Buttler’s catch but he lets it by, forcing Root to go with his weaker left hand; he gets plenty of the ball, but it doesn’t fall into the meat of the palm so bounces out. They run one, but that was an excellent over.


No edge, not out.

1st over: Netherlands 1-0 (Barresi 0, O’Dowd 0) Woakes begins with a wide but quickly rights himself, getting Barresi fencing and missing outside off. If he’d bowled like this in the first few games, England might still be in this competition – though of course the failure is collective and potentially inevitable. Anyroad, another Woakes delivery incites Barresi to stretch well outside off; he appeals and though Buttler doesn’t like it, when the umpire says no, Root, who’d been jumping about at slip, persuades him to go upstairs in the final seconds.

Woakes has the ball, and play.

We are almost ready…

“I’m intrigued by your idea of a ‘lifetime eleven’ and I’m taking it to mean ‘players who I saw play in my lifetime’,” says David Horn. “My first Test match was 1984 (Eng vs Aus at The Oval) … which means I probably never saw Botham at his proper, actual peak – but a late career surge from Gooch ensures he’s the first name on the team sheet. I don’t think Swann has many serious competitors in that scope – Emburey, Giles, Panesar I suppose. But Swann was a magnificent cricketer with a brain sharper than his jokey caricature suggested.”

Sorry to be that guy, but the Ashes were in 1985 – I know this partly because the first series I remember is the Windies tour of 1984. And yup, I too missed Botham’s peak but got Gooch’s – his 154 was, of course, epochal.

“I think I’ve spotted a serious flaw in Ben Stokes’ technique,” advises Kim Thonger. “He got out to that ball because he moved his feet too much. If he’d kept them completely still, a la Maxwell, his upper body strength would have kicked in, very much like a turbocharged combustion engine, and the ball would have cleared the field. Coaching manuals need to be rewritten for the new Maxwellian era, in much the same way high-jumping was changed forever post Dick Fosbury.”

Does the coaching manual even exist these days? Whatever works works. My mate told his lad not to play the scoop, obviously he did it and nailed it, reminding his old man that he too once owned some imagination.

Talking of Radiohead, just the other week I came by a recording of a set they played in 1995, supporting REM – which just so happens to be my gig debut.

“I’m sorry I’ve missed Rob as I wanted to congratulate him on his perfect him on the perfect description, ‘melancholy masterpiece’,” says Dean Kinsella. “Meanwhile, who are the next Englishmen on the rank! Has Buttler got to go? At least back into the ranks. Who would be the next captain to step up? If he was three or four years younger I’d like to see Woakes especially after being treated horribly by various selectors over the years.”

I agree, I enjoyed it too and have forwarded Rob your message. What’s its musical equivalent? Thom Yorke once said that Street Spirit was written to be “the saddest song ever”, and what a song it is; what a line “immerse your soul in love” is.

As for the next skipper, it’s tricky for Buttler to keep the gig given what’s gone on – though I don’t hold him responsible for everyone losing form around him and would totally keep him in the side. But if he’s relieved of the armband, it needs to go to an automatic pick and of course, SJ Broad would be my choice. But failing that, the fun option is obviously Bairstow – imagine him sticking the nut on Kohli at the toss – but otherwise, are we left with the boy Cherrington?

It’s drizzling a little in Pune, which might help the ball skid on for the Netherlands; covers have been deployed.

Interval reading:

As it goes, I bear Swann no ill will for that. He was totally gone, having him around might’ve been detrimental to everyone, and most importantly of all, he’d earned the right to set the terms of his own retirement. If you asked me to pick an England Lifetime XI, he’d be the first name on my teamsheet.

“I don’t see Ben Stokes as someone who’d leave a sinking ship,” says Nas of Stokes staying out post-elimination despite the need to go home and rehab his knee. Ouch!

a picture of graeme swann
Photograph: Anthony Devlin/PA

Thanks Rob and hi everyone. I used to bang on about England just picking the ODI team for Tests, and now I’m about to bang on about just picking the Test team for ODIs. Funny old world.

Daniel Harris is waiting to be tagged in for the Netherlands’ runchase. Thanks for your company, emails and plans for the 2027 World Cup. Bye!

Oh, and make your vote count!

So, who wins the 1999 CWC draft?

— Nessun Dorma Podcast (@nessundormapod) November 8, 2023

Dawid Malan speaks

I think we’re always trying to take the aggressive option. I got a few half-volleys that I was luckily able to put away. Netherlands bowled really well in the middle period to restrict us, and then Ben Stokes played a fantastic knock along with Woakesy.

(When England collapsed) I was like, ‘Oh no, not again!’ Thankfully Stokesy got us to a score that we’re really happy with. He soaks up pressure unbelievably well and he’s able to transfer it when needed. To do it so consistently across his career is a fantastic trait.

Netherlands need 340 to win

50th over: England 339-9 (Rashid 1, Atkinson 2) Despite a soul-sapping middle-order collapse, England are in serious danger of winning a cricket match. They have three players to thank: Dawid Malan made a serene 87 before being run out by Ben Stokes, who responded with a typically brutal century, and Chris Woakes kickstarted England’s charge with a fine 51. England scored 93 from the last six overs.

WICKET! England 334-9 (Stokes c Engelbrecht b van Beek 108)

The end of a melancholy masterpiece. After belabouring his sixth six down the ground, Stokes sliced a slower ball high to long off.

He grimaces as he walks off, then raises his bat shyly in acknowledgement of a typical Stokes crescendo: 108 from 84 deliveries, including 50 off the last 21. There was a sadness to the innings, because England have been crap and he knows this counts for little. But he still summoned a purpose and will that was beyond everyone else.

49th over: England 327-8 (Stokes 102, Atkinson 0) England have scored 81 off the last five overs.

“Tut, Rob,” says Geoff Wignall. “England’s greatest ever cricketer? The ghost of Sydney Barnes would like a word. With his record he didn’t need to be an allrounder.”

Yeah but look at his T20 record.

WICKET! England 327-8 (Willey c Engelbrecht b de Leede 6)

A two-ball – and in some ways two-fingered – innings from David Willey, who flaunts his selflessness by hooking de Leede for six before holing out to long on in pursuit of another. One over remaining.

WICKET! England 321-7 (Woakes c Edwards b de Leede 51)

A terrific half-century from Chris Woakes ends with a snick through to de Leede. He’d hit the previous two deliveries for six and four to reach a 44-ball fifty, a superb innings in the context of both the game and his tournament. The way he has come back from those shocking early performances has been so impressive.

Ben Stokes hits his first World Cup hundred!

48th over: England 310-6 (Stokes 100, Woakes 41) Stokes reverse-drags Van Meekeren for four to reach a 78-ball century, his first at a World Cup. He smiles for a split-second, almost out of embarrassment, before po-facedly raising his bat and looking up to see his old man.

This won’t be in Stokes’ top 10 innings but it’s another demonstration of his unique ability to transcend form. With every passing sixfest it becomes harder to make a case for anyone else – even Lord Beefy – to be considered England’s greatest cricketer of all time. The breadth of Stokes’s achievements are without precedent among England players.

Ben Stokes looks to the stars after reaching his century.
Ben Stokes looks to the stars after reaching his century. Photograph: Gareth Copley/Getty Images

47th over: England 301-6 (Stokes 95, Woakes 40) Stokes mails de Leede for a huge straight six to bring up the hundred partnership in 73 balls. It’s also his highest score at a World Cup, beating his futile 89 against Australia at Lord’s four years ago.

A wristy straight hit for four and a pull for one takes Stokes to within five of a trademark, over-my-dead-body century. Woakes completes another terrific over – 17 from it – with a deft uppercut for four. England have scored 55 from the last three overs. Netherlands will be aggrieved because 44 of those have been scored since Stokes’s debatable LBW reprieve.

The bowler then, Aryan Dutt, also dropped Stokes on 41. In his, erm, defence, it was a pretty tough chance.

46th over: England 284-6 (Stokes 82, Woakes 36) Like most of his mates, Ben Stokes has been in desperate touch with the bat for most of this World Cup. But as in the 2019 final against New Zealand, when he barely middled a thing, his willpower and detestation of defeat have taken over. He has top-scored in three of the last four games, and Netherlands are struggling to cope with the pressure of his sudden assault.

There are four wides in Van Beek’s over, one of which flies down the leg side for four additional runs. Fourteen from the over, which makes it 38 from the last two.

45th over: England 270-6 (Stokes 80, Woakes 32) For 90 seconds, Aryan Dutt thought he had dismissed the great Ben Stokes. Instead play resumed with one ball of Dutt’s over remaining – and it disappeared for 13!

To explain. A high full toss was smeared round the corner for six by Stokes, who then launched the free hit over long on for another. Twenty-four from the over.

Stokes is not out!

There’s a murmur on UltraEdge as the ball passes the bat and glove, and Marais Erasmus decides there’s enough doubt not to overrule the on-field decision. I reckon Stokes is a bit fortunate there, though you can understand the process.

Netherlands review for LBW against Stokes

The offspinner Aryan Dutt has one over remaining, and you don’t need to be Todd Murphy to know what that means. Stokes goes straight on the attack, just as he did against Murphy in that Ashes-changing innings at Headingley.

A slap through extra cover for four is followed by a heave into the leg side for six. But then, after failing to beat extra cover, he misses a reverse sweep and it hit on the pad. Netherlands’ LBW appeal is turned down on the field but they go straight for a review. This looks out to me.

44th over: England 246-6 (Stokes 58, Woakes 31) The non-striker Woakes steals a second run to deep midwicket. A single brings up a level-headed fifty partnership from 48 balls – one which, as Nasser Hussain on Sky, puts into context how good this pitch is.

A bouncer from Van Meekeren to Stokes is called wide, which looks slightly harsh to the naked eye, but even with the extra ball he restricts England to ones and twos. That’s very good going when Stokes is winding up.

43rd over: England 239-6 (Stokes 54, Woakes 29) The Stokes charge is under way. He hoicks de Leede over midwicket for six to reach a determined, slightly melancholy half-century from 58 balls. He came here to rescue England in a World Cup final for the third time, not a Champions Trophy playoff against the Netherlands. It looks the wrong decision now, but like he said in the summer, hindsight never loses.

42nd over: England 229-6 (Stokes 46, Woakes 27) After from one over when he was punished by Harry Brook, Van Meekeren has bowled nicely today. He concedes only four from his latest over, which gives him figures of 8-0-41-1.

The Stokes charge is coming any minute now.

“OK everyone, let’s try to take this seriously for a moment,” says Mark Beadle. “Bearing in mind the Netherlands scored 245 off 43 overs against SA, what do we think they would be reasonably confident about chasing here?”

Anything below 280? It’s a pretty good pitch, although Netherlands are yet to win a game batting second in this tournament.

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